quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2009

Condições vantajosas para os pilotos portugueses

Pela segunda vez na história os "International Six Days Enduro" (I.S.D.E.) terão lugar em Portugal, mais exactamente na Figueira da Foz., de 12 a 17 de Outubro.
A organização de um evento desta grandeza pretende, acima de tudo, proporcionar aos pilotos lusitanos a possibilidade de medirem forças com os especialistas mundiais na modalidade, para além do aguardado confronto entre Selecções Nacionais.
Assim sendo, decidimos criar as melhores condições possíveis, para que um número máximo de pilotos portugueses possa participar nesta prova. Nesse sentido, a F.M.P. definiu um "pacote especial I.S.D.E.", com as seguintes vantagens:
Os pilotos nacionais que já tenham Licença Desportiva F.I.M., válida para os I.S.D.E., pagam apenas 350 € para participar no evento, estando incluído o Seguro obrigatório e a Inscrição.
Para os restantes pilotos portugueses, o valor é de 450 € (Licença + Seguro + Inscrição).
Como podem imaginar, trata-se de um significativo esforço financeiro por parte da F.M.P., pois o valor global normal seria de 1200 €. Por conseguinte, esperamos a melhor adesão dos nossos enduristas a este grande acontecimento desportivo

Fonte: http://www.fmportugal.pt/

Foto: http://360graus.terra.com.br/sixdays

segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009

ISDE 2000 - Granada, Espanha

Em 2000, os ISDE tiveram lugar na cidade de Granada, em Espanha.

A selecção Italiana, composta por Scovolo, Rinaldi, Rubin, Sala, Farioli e Nicoli, conquistou o Troféu.

Nos Juniores, o país anfitrião repetiu as vitórias conquistadas em Portugal no ano anterior e na Austrália em 1998.

Os portugueses:

Troféu - Italia
Juniores - Espanha
125cc 2T - Salminen
250cc 2T - Ahola
250cc 4T - Rubin
350/400 - Merriman
500cc 4T - Eriksson A.
Geral - Merriman

Vencedor da Geral: Merriman

domingo, 7 de junho de 2009

Selecção USA Junior definida

Depois de escolhidos os pilotos para o Troféu, foram agora divulgados os nomes dos Juniores da selecção Norte Americana. A saber:

Russell Bobbitt
David Kamo
Jamie Lanza
Cory Buttrick.

segunda-feira, 1 de junho de 2009

Ready to Ride Orange in Portugal?

With the promise of a full blown summer and the joys of the great outdoors calling, its time to start planning for the International Six Days Enduro (ISDE), the oldest 'off road' motorcycle event on the FIM calendar.
Being held in and around Figueira da Foz on the central coast of Portugal from October 12-17, 2009, this annual event, eagerly awaited by all Enduro enthusiasts, is a unique opportunity to test personal riding skills against the elements and nature while enjoying six days of unparalleled camaraderie with like-minded people.

The perfect machine for the ISDE
KTM is once again a partner of this classic event that was first held in 1913 and it goes without saying that all KTM Six Days participants have the opportunity to either buy or hire the ideal, made-to-measure machine. Based on the new 2010 EXC model series, the special Six Days edition is equipped with a whole range of special features for this incomparable event.

Rental Bikes, Spare Parts and Special Race Service
Racing is in the blood and is the shared passion of all those with a relationship to the Orange cult-brand, Austrian made machines. That’s why in 2009, KTM offers again full support to riders who want to share this unique experience. KTM, together with KTM Spain is offering exclusive leasing of the KTM EXC Six Days motorcycle. All KTM riders will also be able to take advantage of the KTM spare parts service. Again this year KTM and KTM Spain are also offering customers a limited number of race service packages to ensure participants can get down to the serious business of riding, competing and having fun in a great atmosphere.

KTM Paddock and Technical Training
Orange will be again the dominant colour for the KTM Paddock presence in Portugal for the official KTM Support Team, KTM’s professional factory team and KTM Spain. Here KTM writes “Service” with a capital “S” to ensure all orange riders get the maximum pleasure and satisfaction out of their IDSE experience. In addition, the KTM Support Team will be offering a technical workshop with the professional mechanics on the rest day before the official start of the race. This follows on from the successful introduction of this activity in Serres, Greece at the 2008 ISDE. KTM riders will be shown how to get the best out of their bikes over the entire six days and as well as tips on fundamental changing of tyres and air filters etc., there will also be advice on how best to handle each of the race stages.

Be one of the KTM Toughest Club Riders

KTM has always understood that committed riding takes heart and guts. That is why there is going to be an additional unofficial competition to find the six KTM Toughest Club Riders. At the conclusion of the race, each of the top riders will be presented with a unique award by the KTM factory riders, this item is not purchaseable!

ISDE Online
The countdown to this great classic event will be constantly documented in the KTM Racing section of www.ktm.com - Racing - Enduro sub-section. Enthusiasts will be able to follow all the news in the run-up to the ISDE, including special information on the team presentation, behind the scenes news and views and all the specs for the KTM Six Days motorcycle will come soon.

Where it’s all happening
As soon as the race begins, all the action will be posted in photo-illustrated, daily updates on http://www.ktm.com/ with pictures chronicling the event on http://www.ktmimages.com/.

Be part of the Orange Family
KTM understands that the motorcycles and products they manufacture transcend mere items to purchase. Being part of the Orange Family also means sharing the spirit and the passion of events like the traditional ISDE, which is a true reflection of the KTM philosophy of always being “Ready to Race”. That is why there will be a small gift waiting for every participating KTM rider at the KTM tent at the 2009 event. Be part of the action. Experience the unforgettable at the 2009 edition of the ISDE in Figueira da Foz, Portugal.
Please contact your KTM dealer about the ISDE 09 KTM services. More information will come soon!